It's a Numbers Game! Basketball

It's a Numbers Game! Basketball

Online-Artikel-Nr: 0014052305
  • ThemenbereichSport
  • Autor/-inKobe Bryant und James Buckley
  • Seiten128
  • EinbandartHardcover

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It's a Numbers Game! Basketball


Why do NBA players only have 24 seconds to score a basket? What's the geometry behind making the perfect shot? Become a basketball pro and learn all about the numbers and math behind this popular sport.
Numbers are everywhere in basketball--from the dimensions of the court to the points you can score to the digits on each player's jersey. In this awesome new book, you'll learn how these numbers make basketball the game we know and love today, and also get a few tips along the way on how to improve your game. As Kobe Bryant wrote in his Foreword for the book, "Sucess is in the detail--and the detail is in the math." Read about amazing statistics and learn how to track the stats of your favorite basketball stars. Discover how to improve your bounce pass and chest pass with geometry and physics. Colorful graphics explain the math behind the sport, and cool photos make you feel like you're right on the court. Filled with sports trivia and fun activities at the end of every chapter, this book is sure to be a slam dunk with kids who can't get enough of the game and want to learn more.

Titel & Produktsprache

TitelIt's a Numbers Game! Basketball
UntertitelThe math behind the perfect bounce pass, the buzzer-beating bank shot, and so much more!
ReiheIt's a Numbers Game!
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Titel & Produktsprache

TitelIt's a Numbers Game! Basketball
UntertitelThe math behind the perfect bounce pass, the buzzer-beating bank shot, and so much more!
ReiheIt's a Numbers Game!

Autoren & Verlag

Autor/-inKobe Bryant und James Buckley
VerlagNational Geographic

Auflage & Publikationsort

Erscheinungsjahr2020 Jahr

Buch Eigenschaften

Altersempfehlung ab8 Jahre
Altersempfehlung bis12 Jahre


Gewicht0.76 kg
Höhe284 mm
Breite220 mm
Dicke14 mm



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